Video Ferris Jabr’s introductory book talk and conversation with author Jenny Odell at The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, CA Ferris Jabr discusses his book with Google Ferris Jabr shares his book on KATU AM Northwest Ferris Jabr’s Secret Science Club talk broadcast on C-SPAN An episode of SciShow inspired by Becoming Earth Ferris Jabr’s book talk for Mind & Life Europe: “Becoming Earth: A Personal Journey Through the Gaiasphere” RADIO & PODCASTS INTERVIEWS How Earth Went from a Sterile Rock to a Lush Living Planet Ancient, Resilient, Dynamic: Why Earth Is Life on a Grand Scale Our understanding of life on the planet changes from Ferris Jabr’s debut book, ‘Becoming Earth’ A scientific case for an Earth alive Ferris Jabr Writes About Science, But He Always Comes Back to Virginia Woolf Earth Is Alive, a New Book Argues. Will We Kill It? Ferris Jabr on How the Planet Came to Life Five Questions with Ferris Jabr